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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.- Confucius

week 12

This module is finally over,  It has been quite overwhelming I have had a lot going on during this module. It has been the hardest most stressful time of this entire course.  

I feel disappointed that I didn’t achieve everything I wanted to even though I did make progress on goals and developed some new skills.  I feel like this is not a part time course it is so much to do. 

The workload has been intense along side my day job and life outside of work and uni and that it’s been a challenging period. 


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Main learning points

I have explored various aspects of UX design in this module. Through this process, I have gained insight into my strengths and weaknesses and identified a lot of areas for improvement. By acknowledging and analysing the challenges and obstacles I faced in, I can develop strategies to overcome them and move closer to my career goals.

Throughout this project, I have learned a great deal about the importance of effective communication in achieving successful outcomes. I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of project planning and management. I had to carefully plan out each phase of the project  and ensure that I was meeting deadlines and sometimes missed the target. 

Coming up with key features for the solution included a personalised donation platform, virtual reality experiences, blockchain-based donations for transparency and accountability, and an educational platform that provides resources and training to help female-identifying donors become more informed and effective givers. 

This took so much research and time to develop and included conducting extensive research on philanthropy, non-profits, and user needs and preferences. It also involved using design thinking methodologies, such as the Jobs to Be Done Framework, to identify user motivations and prioritise ideas based on feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with user needs. Additionally, it involved iterative design and development processes that incorporated user feedback to refine the product and ensure it met user needs. The project provided an opportunity to learn and apply user-centric design principles and methodologies, as well as gain a deeper understanding of philanthropy and the importance of designing digital solutions that cater to the preferences and styles of underrepresented groups, such as female-identifying donors.

evaluation & analysis

I aimed to design a user-centric digital solution for female-identifying donors and I have gained valuable insights and experiences that have helped me grow both professionally and personally. Through this project, I was able to learn about the process of research and project management, from planning and organising to implementation and evaluation.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was managing my time effectively.  Research, data collection and analysis, and the weekly writing, challenges along with designing and developing the ideas. This required a high level of self-discipline and organisation, as well as the ability to prioritise tasks and work efficiently. 

Another challenge I faced was ensuring the quality and accuracy of my work. Without the benefit of  collaboration, I had to rely on my own skills and knowledge to ensure that my research was sound and my analysis was thorough. This required a high degree of attention to detail and a willingness to seek out feedback and guidance when needed.

Despite these challenges, I found the experience of working on this project to be extremely rewarding. I did find it helpful to work through the topics along side the projects I am working on at work too, it really helped refresh my skills and I was able to learn a great deal about both this project and my work projects because of it.   As well as develop new skills and knowledge related to research, data analysis, and project management. In addition, I gained a greater appreciation for the value of teamwork and collaboration, as I realised the importance of having a supportive network of colleagues to help navigate the challenges of any project. 

This project has been a valuable learning experience that has helped me to grow both personally and professionally. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on this project and look forward to applying the skills and knowledge I have gained to future projects 


The project has been a valuable learning experience for me despite the hurdles. Through the process of researching, planning, and executing the project, I have developed a deeper understanding of UX design and also honed my skills in project management, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

I have also learned the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving goals. While there were challenges and setbacks along the way, I remained committed to the project and ultimately succeeded in producing a quality outcome.

Overall, I am proud of what I have accomplished through this project and feel confident in my ability to apply the knowledge and skills.


For the future of this project, I could easily continue iterating and improving upon the design based on user feedback and testing. I could also explore and incorporate more advanced UX design techniques and technologies to enhance the user experience and increase the overall effectiveness of the product. I would like to learn more about AI technology VR and blockchain technology as I feel like these are things that will change UX in future. I think safety aspects of VR and the UX of that are something I am really interested in, particularly working for an automotive company I feel that how to ensure users are safe is something I would like to explore further and could utilise in my work in Automotive. 

In terms of my learning and development in UX design, I plan to continue expanding my knowledge and skills through further education, attending conferences and workshops, and working on personal projects. I want to create more case studies and dummy projects but also do some case studies from my paid work too as I tend to just move on from projects and dont reflect.  I also aim to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field to ensure that I am delivering high-quality, effective designs to meet the needs of users and businesses alike.

I am excited to continue growing and evolving as a UX designer and to create products that not only meet user needs but exceed their expectations. I believe that by staying curious, motivated, and open to new ideas and approaches, I can make a significant impact in the field of UX design and create products that can really make a difference in people’s lives.